AI医用软件合规要点之一:产品认定标准与 管理类别

Autor:TANG Rong, SHAO Wanlei

随着互联网和移动互联网革命的推进,人工智能(Artificial Intelligence,“AI”)进入高速发展阶段。医疗产品直接关系公众的人身健康,为了确保产品安全有效,监管部门在面对创新技术与产品时始终保持高度谨慎的态度,使得相关医疗产品在投入市场前往往需要在行政程序中花费大量的时间。本文旨在梳理AI医用软件的认定,以帮助企业对软件的性质与管理类别进行定位,为后续的行政审批扫清障碍。

Tax Cost Consideration for Expatriates in China


As the end of the year approaches, many multinational companies are now preparing for a new round of budgets for next year and even the year after.Given that labour costs are one of the most important considerations in annual budgets and that many MNCs have lots of expa-triates.As a general introduction, we would like to address the impact of Chinese Individual Income Tax ("IIT") on expatriates in China in the following areas so that MNCs and expatriates can plan better from a tax perspective.

Women's Protection Law: Employment Management Aspect

Autor:QIN Anqi, YAO Zheng
Veröffentlichungsdatum:09 Nov 2022
