Tips on Taking Full Advantage of a Lawyer’s Letter in the Context of Covid-19

Author:ZHONG Yuan, ZHANG Zheng
Date:May 22, 2020

Under the continuous impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, contract and litigation risks are increasing significantly for enterprises. Compared with previous years, it comes to our notice that incidents such as arrears, delays in delivery etc. are becoming more and more frequent. Apart from a court trial or an arbitral proceeding, a lawyer’s letter can also serve as a potential remedy for the affected enterprises

China’s Export Control Law: Major Proposed Updates of Export Control Rules

Author:LIAO Yuhui
Date:April 30, 2020

The export of many materials, components, and equipment that can be used for military or nuclear purposes or in connection with weapons of mass destruction is subject to strict export controls under international conventions or treaties. Indeed, some of them may also be used for civil industries (“dual-use goods”) and, therefore, their export is restricted or even prohibited. The Chinese legislator published the second and updated draft of an Export Control Law on December 28, 2019, over which further readings, until a resolution, are expected within this year of 2020.

Legal Protection of Enterprise Name

Author:ZHANG Yuemei, HAO Chang
Date:Jan 09, 2020

The enterprise name is a textual symbol that distinguishes an enterprise from others. It is com-posed of trade name, industry or business characteristics, and organization form in order. The trade name is the main symbol that distinguishes different enterprises. According to Art. 58 and Art. 110 of the General Rules of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China, a legal person shall have its own name as well as the right to name. At the same time, in practice, according to the Administrative Provisions on Enterprise Name Registration, enterprise also needs to have its own name for registration. This article will focus on the legal protection of enterprise name (in-cluding its trade name and abbreviation).