Updates on Pollutant Discharge Permit Administration System

Author:WANG Sai, NI Ningjun
Date:May 10, 2021

The State Council duly published the Regulations on the Administration of Pollutant Discharge Permits (“Regulations”) on January 24, 2021. This mentions the administrative regulations for application and approval of pollutant discharge permit, legal liability to be assumed by Pollutant Discharge Entities, concurrent and ex-post supervision of pollutant discharge permit, etc. The Regulations have been duly implemented as of March 1, 2021.

Social Credit System - A Toothless Tiger?

Author:YAO Feiyue, Raymond KOK
Date:April 20, 2021

What will result into the blacklisting of a market participant? So far, there’s no comprehensive standardized rating standard for the national blacklists existing in China, but various government authorities have developed and maintain respectively their separate rating standards. Corpora-tions can be placed on a blacklist due to a particular violation or because of a poor social credit score. Once a market participant is blacklisted by a government authority, all other relevant gov-ernment bodies will be informed immediately.


Author:YUAN Man, HAO Chang
Date:Mar 30, 2021
